Remains of a lost starship

In this idea, of course, it is necessary to use several materials and some achievements of modern electronics. Of course, for the manufacture of the remains of a stellar space station, it is necessary to use metal elements. Be sure to use glass too. You can also scatter a few spacesuits and small boats. The most delightful detail of the composition under water can be the flashing lights of the dimensions of the ship. A few LEDs, which are powered by small area solar panels, but enough to power the lights, will give the space station a special charm and reality. There will be a huge number of those wishing to film a dead, but still alive ship at a depth, to feel the grandeur of the structure and personally experience this delight. Divers from all over the world and just divers will fly from all over the world. In relation to this installation, its fencing on the sea will be justified and convenient for the organizers of the attraction.

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