Theme architectural parks

This is our main activity and the best use of our abilities. Theme parks attract a large number of visitors who are very demanding on the quality of work. Oddly enough, but it is children and teenagers who are the most demanding fans of our work.
Alex Alizade
Sculptor, designer

Diving parks

One of the most complex parks in terms of technology. Not at first glance, there is nothing easier than making a sculpture and just throwing it over the side of the ship. These are special requirements for materials, landscape development, close work with professional divers and the ship's crew. But each such place attracts a huge mass of tourists, both from among professional scuba divers and ordinary snorkellers, including women and children. A lasting snorkeling experience and income for the local tourism industry.

The Desert parks

Have you ever been in a real desert? In a desert where sandy dunes stretch to the horizon. Only those who live near the desert. All other inhabitants of the Earth will experience a magical shock from this sight and emotional awe at the grandeur of nature and the Creator. And imagine the feelings if in this desert you find artifacts of an ancient civilization, ravaged by time. And you realize the depth of history and the wisdom of our ancestors who gave us the Sacred Books of the Prophet. Every respected clan and family will be proud that one of such monuments in the desert was built with their father's money. And every time their sculpture in the desert appears on tourist posters, shows up on social networks, they will smile in their hearts and bless the memory of their father. For Claire, the daughter of the engineer Eiffel, and her children, the main symbol of Paris, the "Eiffel Tower," will always remind them of their father, and the whole family is proud of their surname.

Visiting places for tourists

If you haven't seen it, it means you haven't been there

Single architectural and sculptural works make any place unique and desirable to visit. Making the place of visit a source of content for publications on social networks, our work significantly reduces the cost of advertising and promoting a tourist site.

Private architectural forms

Orders from the private sector are related to the production of architectural forms with a thematic purpose. Antique themes or reflections of the mythology of the places in which these objects are located are especially popular. In addition to private homes, our regular customers are private museums and restaurants or zoos.

Municipal cultural sites

City authorities are not our most frequent customers, but recently government agencies have been ordering from us monuments related to the history of the city or the desire to attract tourists to their cities. Extravagant monuments associated with urban legends of small, provincial towns on the outskirts of countries are especially effective in attracting tourists.