Lost temple

Yes, this is exactly what we did when we decided how exactly the entrance to the abandoned, ancient, secret temple, left to us by the ancient priests, should look like. Tourists must contemplatively sort out versions of what exactly is behind the massive boulder that acts as a door. The most important thing for such an installation is the fulfillment of several conditions.

Grandiosity and inaccessibility. The first thing to be observed is the grandeur of the view for the tourist. The entrance should look both grandiose and mysterious. A person must imagine for himself exactly how and how great the temple should be inside. It shouldn’t be small and it shouldn’t be badly damaged. If the central entrance is severely destroyed, then the hope for the preservation of its inner part will be weak.
External details in their architecture should carry a touch of antiquity and time hundreds of years ago. Ornaments and some decorative elements should not be clearly belonging to a particular culture. Be sure to show in some images interplanetary signs and images of UFO, constellations and hieroglyphs of unknown civilizations.

The flow of tourists to this object will be guaranteed. It is best to make this object popular in the local environment. A sharp attraction of the attention of the scientific community will make a sensation, but after finding out the origin, it may look like an attempt at deception and not an instance, whose purpose is to cause delight and help local residents improve their financial situation. Still great!

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