Alex Alizade Sculpture Studio

We create worlds

Our studio specializes in the manufacture of decorative architectural forms. The chief architect of the studio, Alex Alizade, spent his childhood in his father’s art workshop, which determined his professional choice. Life in the studio is a common thing for all creative people. The fate of his father is repeated by his son Oleg Alizade. Thanks to two creative people, the studio is constantly growing and developing. New ideas of the son helps to embody the experience of the father. In the modern world, when the borders of countries are open for the export of art, our studio has decided not to limit itself to local orders. Our ideas go beyond individual countries, cultures and times. In the last decade, the structure of orders has changed towards an increase in social orders for places of cultural and tourist use. The preferences of private customers have also changed. We have our own opinion about the trends in the development of applied architecture and forms. We are happy to share our ideas and are happy to take part in their implementation.

Looking forward

The desert is my stage,
travelers are my spectators

The desert is a practically undeveloped territory because there's not much for the average tourist to do there. To use the desert as a tourist attraction, it's necessary to address issues related to transportation, safety, and come up with a purpose for visiting the desert.
Alex Alizade
Sculptor, Designer

The desert is a Great White Page

Sculptural art in the desert is a very striking move to attract tourists. A sculpture park, as an idea, is not new and has already proven itself as a tried-and-true magnet for visitors. The desert, as a location for organizing a park, is an ideal blank canvas. The natural conditions of the desert, right from the initial stages, show us what kind of tourists will be guests at the sculpture park in the desert. It can definitely be stated that there will be more of them than visitors to underwater parks in Europe, as the desert is more suited to human habitation than underwater spaces, and therefore has greater development potential.

The desert is all about adventure!

Any park in the world is a path along the landmarks of that place. For the desert, it's just a trail. The trail should be circular, meaning the starting point of the trail should coincide with its finish. At the farthest point of such a trail, there should be a place to stay overnight. The essence of the trail is adventure! But as for what adventures, that's a question of creativity. I can say with confidence only one thing - no matter what the scenario or theme of the park is, it will be in demand and become a real event for any visitor! I will write more about this topic in my blog and on social networks.

Creativity is all around us